How To Clear Storage On A Mac?


ow To Clear Storage On A Mac
ow To Clear Storage On A Mac?

Are you running out of storage on your Mac and wondering how to free up space? Clearing storage on a Mac is essential to ensure optimal performance and to avoid the frustration of a slow or unresponsive system. This guide will walk you through the steps to clear storage on your Mac effectively, using built-in tools and a few handy tips. "How To Clear Storage On A Mac?"

Analyze Your Storage

Before you start deleting files, it's important to understand what's taking up space. macOS provides a built-in tool to help you analyze your storage.

Click on the Apple icon in the top-left corner of your screen.

  • Select "About This Mac."
  • Go to the "Storage" tab.

Here, you'll see a breakdown of your storage usage by category (e.g., apps, documents, photos, etc.). This will give you a clear picture of what needs to be addressed.

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Remove Unnecessary Applications

Unused applications can take up a significant amount of space. Removing them is a quick way to free up storage.

  • Open "Finder."
  • Go to the "Applications" folder.
  • Drag any unused applications to the Trash, then empty the Trash.

Clear Out Downloads and Old Files

The "Downloads" folder is often filled with old files that you no longer need.

  • Open "Finder."
  • Navigate to the "Downloads" folder.
  • Sort the files by date and delete the older ones you don't need.

How To Clear Storage On A Mac
How To Clear Storage On A Mac?

Empty the Trash

Emptying the Trash is a simple yet often overlooked step in clearing storage.

  1. Right-click on the Trash icon in the Dock.
  2. Select "Empty Trash."

Optimize Storage with Built-in Tools

  • macOS offers several built-in tools to help you optimize your storage.
  • Click on the Apple icon in the top-left corner.
  • Select "About This Mac."
  • Go to the "Storage" tab and click "Manage."

From here, you can:

Store in iCloud: Move files, photos, and messages to iCloud to save space on your Mac.

Optimize Storage: Automatically remove movies and TV shows you've already watched.

Empty Trash Automatically: Automatically delete items that have been in the Trash for 30 days.

Reduce Clutter: Review and remove large files and downloads.

Clear Cache Files

Cache files can accumulate over time and take up valuable space. Clearing them can help free up storage.

  • Open "Finder."
  • Click "Go" in the menu bar and select "Go to Folder."
  • Type ~/Library/Caches and press Enter.

Delete the contents of the folders (but be cautious not to delete the folders themselves).

Remove Old iOS Backups

If you have backed up your iPhone or iPad to your Mac, those backups can take up a lot of space.

  1. Open "Finder."
  2. Click "Go" in the menu bar and select "Go to Folder."
  3. Type ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup and press Enter.
  4. Delete old backups you no longer need.

How To Clear Storage On A Mac
How To Clear Storage On A Mac?

Use Third-Party Storage Management Tools

There are several third-party applications designed to help you clear storage on your Mac, such as Clean My Mac X, Daisy Disk, and Disk Drill. These tools provide additional features and can make the process even easier.

Move Files to External Storage

If you have large files that you don't need to access frequently, consider moving them to an external hard drive or SSD.

  • Connect the external drive to your Mac.
  • Drag and drop the files you want to move to the external drive.
  • Once the files are copied, delete them from your Mac.

Regular Maintenance

To avoid running out of storage in the future, make it a habit to regularly check and clear your storage.


  • Regularly empty the Trash.
  • Periodically review and delete old files and applications.
  • Use storage optimization tools to keep your system clean.

By following these steps, you can effectively clear storage on your Mac and ensure that your system runs smoothly. Regular maintenance and utilizing built-in and third-party tools will help you manage your storage efficiently.